10-30-19 fdl councilmember has concerns about revisting lakeside park pavilion plan

A Fond du Lac city councilmember is expressing concern about revisiting a Lakeside Park Pavilion plan that was rejected by the community several years ago.  At last week’s city council meeting, councilmember Ben Giles asked fellow councilmembers to take a  “pause”  in plans to construct a new pavilion in the location of the existing pavilion.  Giles said he had “new information”  that included unnamed investors who told him they wanted the city instead to build the pavilion on park land at the end of north Main Street with a restaurant and amphitheater.     Councilmember Dan Degner says that is essentially the same proposal the community previously rejected.   “When I first got on the council I heard people mention the North Main Street hub and I thought this would be a great idea.  But then I looked at it and said I’m a young guy at 22 and this has been going on since I was in high school and so I really need to look into this more,”  Degner told WFDL news.  “One thing I was surprised to see was when it came to that North Main Street hub it was unanimously voted against.”    Degner says he is willing to listen, but says its important to understand the history of  how the project got to where it is today.

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