Fond du Lac’s Mercury Marine supports the National Marine Manufacturers Association’s criticism on the delay of a decision on ethanol. In a statement Merc says its disappointed with the EPA’s recent announcement to delay until next year the final rule that will tell fuel refiners how much ethanol must be blended into the nation’s fuel supply. Merc director of regulatory development, Mark Riechers tells WFDL news the decision creates growing uncertaint y in the marketplace and fails to provide a consistent standard that boaters can follow. Riechers says the Renewable Fuel Standard program requires a long term fix from Congress. Ethanol has been shown to damage marine engine components possibly voiding warranties if gasoline with more than 10 percent ethanol is used. He says right now there is an issue in Chicago where there is a push to mandate all gas stations sell E-15. Meanwhile, Reichers says Merc is currently exploring alternative fuels that can be made from the same materials as ethanol but that are a lot more friendly not only to the engine but the environment. He says there a couple of pilot biobutanol production plants in operation right now.