12-17-14 fdl sex offender notification

John S. Provo

Birthday: July 14, 1952

Race: White

Height: 5’ 9” Weight: 185

Hair: Brown/Gray

Eyes: Hazel


This is a change of address notification on John S. Provo who was released back into the Community on July 29, 2014, after serving time in prison for child enticement-exposing sex organ in 2002. In addition he was convicted in 1982 in the State of Michigan for Assault with Intent to Commit Sexual Conduct by Penetration of an adult female acquaintance. Provo has been residing at 457 Thomas Street since his release from prison and will now be residing at 231 W. Follett Street effective on or about December 17, 2014.       
Special conditions of John S. Provo’s supervised release:

  1. No contact with victim, no unsupervised contact with minors, no presence in taverns, bars, or liquor stores, and no use of alcohol or illegal drugs.

  2. Comply with all rules of high risk sex offender supervision and cooperate with GPS monitoring.

  3. Face-to-face contact with law enforcement as required, lifetime registration with Wisconsin Sex Offender Registration Program.

John S. Provo will be required to wear a GPS monitoring bracelet for life.

Contact Information:

Fond du Lac Police Department: Emergency Dial 911 – Non Emergency: 322-3700

Division of Community Corrections: 929-2983

Information on the Internet:      http://www.fdlpolice.com


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