Marshfield Medical Center-Beaver Dam is expanding its visitation restrictions beginning Monday, Sept. 21. A
no visitor policy was previously enacted for its inpatient unit, and this policy is now being extended throughout the remainder of the facilities. All medical services remain open, and clinics will continue to care for patients by appointment only.
The exceptions to the no visitor policy are:
One birth partner per delivering mother
End-of-life situations — two adult visitors
If a patient is a minor child they will be accompanied by one parent or guardian
There remain no exceptions to the visitation restrictions for Hillside Manor, Eagle’s Wings and Remembrance Home.
With active COVID-19 cases and hospitalization rates in and around Dodge County continuing to rise, and the flu season just around the corner, Marshfield Medical Center-Beaver Dam is taking this measure to ensure the health and safety of all who enter our facilities. While we understand it can be difficult for patients and their loved ones, visitation restrictions help limit the number of people in our facilities, which supports social distancing and limits opportunities for spread of the virus. Please note this additional information regarding the following service lines:
The Marshfield Medical Center-Beaver Dam Pharmacy will continue to fill walk-up prescriptions for patients
already in the building for appointments and procedures, but will not accept other walk-up traffic until
further notice. Delivery, mail-out and curbside pickup continue to be available options. Please call 920-356-
0040 for more information.
Outpatient Surgery
If you have a loved one who is undergoing a procedure requiring anesthesia, you will be asked to come inside
when they are ready to be taken home. You will be screened and taken to a location to receive your loved
one and their discharge instructions.
Gift Shop
Beginning Monday, the Marshfield Medical Center-Beaver Dam Gift Shop will be closed to the public
MAIN NUMBER: 920-887-7181
707. S. University Ave.
Beaver Dam, WI 53916
The Marshfield Medical Center-Beaver Dam Café will close to visitors beginning Monday.