Fond du Lac voters will decide next April whether to approve a referendum to beef up the police and fire departments. The Fond du Lac city council has approved a resolution to place a referendum on the April ballot to add six full time firefighter/paramedics and six full time police officers. Councilmembers Dan Degner and Donna Richards voted against. The refendum would increase the tax levy by roughly $1.3 million annually. Police Chief Bill Lamb says the additional officers would help bolster the department’s roster during the peak hours of the day and evening. The tax impact is estimated at $43 a year for the owner of a $100,000 home, but Lamb says he believes the investment is necessary. Fond du Lac Fire Chief Pete O’Leary says both departments have demonstrated the need for additional personnel. As an example EMS calls have increased about five percent a year.O’Leary says the number of firefighter/paramedics requested is necessary for an additional ambulance.