3-17-22 uw-oshkosh political science professor says russia-ukraine war a long-term confrontation

Three weeks into the Russia-Ukraine war a University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh political science professor says it appears that both sides are dug in for a long-term confrontation.  Associate professor Michael Jasinski  is an expert on Russian politics.  He says based on his observations including  the maps and diagrams of what has transpired so far this appears to have been calculated to be a four-phase operation that could last until May.  “First securing nothern and southern parts of Ukraine, then to deal with large concentrations of  Ukranian forces in eastern Ukraine where most of the fighting is,”  Jasinski told AM 1170s Between the Lines program.  “Once that’s over there will be an advance on Kiev so that everything except for western Ukraine is under Russian control.”   Jasinski says it has basically become a war of attrition.  Jasinski says at this point neither side seems willing to compromise in an effort to reach a diplomatic negotiated settlement.

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